Cleaning of Your Jewellery

Cleaning of Your Jewellery

1. Gather your Supplies

Before diving into the cleaning process, gather the necessary supplies. You'll need a soft, lint-free cloth, a gentle cleaning solution (either a mild soap, hand wash or a specialised jewellery cleaner), and a bowl of lukewarm water.

2. Soak and Clean

Soak the pieces in the cleaning solution for a few minutes. and then take them off and rinse them.

3. Rinse Thoroughly

After cleaning, rinse your jewellery under lukewarm running water to remove any soap residue. Be sure to rinse thoroughly to prevent soap build-up, which can dull the shine of your pieces.

4. Dry Properly

Pat your jewellery dry with a clean, dry cloth, and leave it to the air dry completely before storing. Avoid using tissue or towels, as they can leave behind lint. Ensure your jewellery is entirely dry before putting it in the pouch or inside the box.

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